Published Books

1957 Rural Development in Egypt – Its Philosophy, Principles and Implementation Problems (in Arabic). Cairo: Salafiya Press.
1967 (ed.)  Land Policy in the Near East.  Proceedings of the regional seminar on Land Policy and Settlement for the Near East held in Tripoli, Libya, organized and published jointly by FAO and the Government of Libya, Rome.
1980 The Concept of Land Reform and Its Role in Rural Development (in Arabic). Cairo: Dar al-Geel Publishers.
____, Economic Development.  A compilation of a series of lectures given in Arabic at the University of Ein-shams, Cairo: Dar al-Geel Publishers.
1984 (ed). Studies on Agriarian Reform and Rural Poverty.  Rome: FAO.
1986 (ed.)“The Dynamics of Rural Poverty”.  FAO, Rome.
1990 The Political Economy of Rural Poverty: The Case for Land Reform.  London and New York: Routledge.
1993 Land, Food and Rural Development in North Africa.  Boulder and San Francisco: Westview Press.
1998 Affluence and Poverty in the Middle East.  London and New York: Routledge.
2001 ‘The Political Economy of Market-Based Land Reform’, Chapter Five in Krishna B. Ghimire (ed.) Land Reform and Peasant Livelihoods.  London: ITDG Publishing.
2003 (ed.)  Egypt in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges for Development.  London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
____, Anti-Poverty Land Reform Issues Never Die: Collected Essays on Development Economics in Practice. Routledge Studies in Development Economics. London: Rutledge.
2007 The Crisis of Rural Poverty and Hunger.  Oxford and New York: Routledge.
2010 Economic Development and Its Current Issues, self-published in Arabic free of charge for the benefit of graduate students, Cairo.
____, The Principles of Economic Development with an Analysis of Contemporary Issues (in Arabic). Cairo: Maktabit al-Nahda Al-Masriya.
____, The Foundations of Rural Development in Egypt: Principles and Lessons Learned From Previous Experiences, Al-Nahda Press, Cairo.
2012 Economic Development and Social Justice (twelve different studies in Arabic). Cairo: Maktabit al-Nahda Al-Masriya.
2014 Rural Development Since 1937: Lessons Learned to Lessen Poverty in Egyptian Villages (in Arabic). Cairo: Maktabit al-Nahda Al-Masriya.
2016 Development Economics: Searching for the Roots of Rural Income Inequality. North Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.